RVing...learning...a few short trips

The North Florida Fairground has campsites/RVsites available when there is no event happening....so we took the opportunity to let ME spend a couple days mostly on the fairgrounds with the dogs :)

Pictures aren't great...learning is interesting to murderously aggravating
* 4/13 & 4/14 at North Florida Fair Grounds, Tallahassee
* 4/16 & 4/17 in Jacksonville
* 4/18 at Jax city park Huguenot Memorial Park

FAIRGROUND PICS;  [4/13 & 4/14];

Spooky building on the fairgrounds, flashing lights inside...ok not scary at all...

Things I want to buy when I am stoned and sitting outside Pickle...
Also the thing I didn't buy even stoned...  :)  :)  :)  :)  


Easter/Zombie Jesus Day at Town Hall off San Marco Blvd Jax...




Across from Mayport Navy Base

SET UP....MISC....

It is like going back in time...the TV shows...and this one...Jeannie says "oh Master Please..."

Beauty of a sunset...

Thought this sign was strange...is entrance a man running from a door?

PS....saw Dementri Martin LIVE....row 3...fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!!

**********>>>>INSIDE SHOTS VARIOUS<<<<<***************

For the tv to operate, the switch next to the cable female must be on as well as the switch above.  This is due to multiple possible sources satellite, cable [if hooked up], and other HTML items...

Who knew that 2017 technology would look so dated?  Just before COVID...a lot of tech to learn here, there are a couple more menus in other locations...plenty of computers...
Light over bed...for disco sexploits I suppose???  Or to induce fainting???


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